Monday, January 29, 2018

Current Trends in Injection Blow Molding

Injection blow molding is one of three manufacturing processes used to form hollow plastic into viable finished products. In the injection blow molding process, a manufacturer produces a large quantity of hollow bottles, jars, and a host of other narrow and wide-mounted products. In this case, polymer gets injected onto a core pin, which then rotates to a blow molding station. There, the mold gets inflated and cooled.

Current trends reveal exciting injection blow molding advantages, taking this machine market to a new level. Already a process used to manufacture a broad range of products, advances in the technology make this an excellent solution for more industries and applications. With this method, cutting-edge machines promote a higher level of productivity, meaning that with forward-moving techniques, manufacturers can produce a larger quantity of products in less time. 

Contact Details: 
85 Royal Crest Court, Units 1 & 2 Markham,
Ontario, L3R 9X5
Phone: (905) 305-1797